Hand-picked fruit, their shape resembling a heart. Wonderfully juicy and addictive. They have an intense red colour, a sweet flavour and a unique aroma stimulating the senses. Their taste is widely known all over the world. Strawberries are best as a dessert, mousse or sauce. They make an excellent addition to cakes, tarts and pies as well as a perfect base for ice cream and sorbets. Strawberries are also suitable as an ingredient of sweet dishes – pierogi, pancakes or dumplings. They also go well with savoury dishes, e.g. salads, and combinations with dairy products – shakes and milkshakes. Strawberries go very well with basil.

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After a short blanching and cooling, broccoli becomes a great addition to classic healthy meat and fish dishes. It retains its green colour and presents a first-class basis for a diet cream soup. Broccoli goes perfectly well with herbs such as mint or basil. You can make an excellent salad by combining broccoli with various cream cheese and nuts.


Cauliflower is a vegetable that can be used as a side dish for meat or fish. It goes well with oriental spices such as cinnamon, garam masala, or curry. It can be used to make cream soup, mashed potatoes, as well as a delicate dessert with vanilla or cardamom. Grated and fried in a frying pan, it can even become the basis for pizza!


Steamed cod with broccoli and cauliflower in hollandaise sauce

Ingredients for 4 servings:
• cod fillet - 400 g
• butter - 50 g
• 12 Oerlemans broccoli florets
• 12 Oerlemans cauliflower florets
• salt
• pepper

Hollandaise sauce: juice of one lemon, 100 g of butter, salt, pepper, 2 yolks.

Cooking time: 12 minutes.

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Soft, sensually red and juicy raspberries with a characteristic aroma are the most delicious when fresh. Due to the high content of pectins and sugars, raspberries are easily processed into jams; famous juices and syrups are made from them as well. Properly defrosted BAUERraspberries can be safely used as a decoration for confectionery, and as an ingredient for fruit salads, cakes and desserts.

Raspberry syrup added to drinks gives them a beautiful red colour. Raspberries are also ideal as a sweet sauce ingredient for chocolate pastries and as a base for ice cream.

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